This new moon message is for all subscribers this month, paid and free, as a THANK YOU to all of you for your support this year.
Falling Awake is just 8 months old and is now read in 43 countries. Isn’t that something?!
Thank you for allowing me to share my story with you, to read for you and create for you. The generosity of our paid subscribers allows me to continue to share content for our free subscribers and to be paid for my work.
I’m only just getting started and going gently, so do please bear with me. I don’t have a team, it’s just me.
There is much more in the creatrix cauldron bubbling away for the coming year. Things like a podcast, member guides and printables, an inner circle for founder members and more articles for midlife mystical women. So I hope you’ll stick with us.
As always my intention is for you to know you are not alone, you are not crazy and you are not doing it wrong.
You’re doing the best you can and you are pure magic!
Hi lovelies,
I hope I find you well after the festive season and in this strange ‘Twixmas’ void. Anyone else losing track of what day it is?
Mine was peaceful, just what I needed. Lots of snuggling in bed with my cat familiar, Ziggy, watching Christmas movies. It’s been a tough few years. I realised just today that it’s been over 20 years since I found myself living somewhere where I could properly rest, recover and catch up with some deeper healing. Life has hurtled me along some rapid growth pathways. Time to integrate and root and start to build a new life.
As we move toward the new year on the calendar and we have our second new moon of December, a ‘Black Moon’ I am noticing all the socials telling me I should be “ending strong” and making resolutions and setting intentions for 2025.
I respond with a deep sigh.
Just let me rest.
I’m not really ready to head into 2025 yet.
Is it just me?
Well, turns out the moon agrees. It isn’t time yet. We are in the space between what was and what will be.
This second new moon, the black moon, is a still point, like an extended winter solstice (for those in the northern hemisphere), a sacred pause.
The soil needs to rest before planting new seeds or the next growth cycle will be sparce. Leaving the soil depleted.
Rest and self-care
could almost be seen as activism,
an act of rebellion and protest
in a patriarchal culture.
This often fast-paced modern world sees rest as a sign of weakness or failure.
“You can’t keep up?!”
It overlooks the needs of our bodies, our cycles and rhythms.
Rest and self-care could almost be seen as activism, an act of rebellion and protest in a patriarchal culture.
I see it as even more than that. I see it as soul retrieval. Essential.
It is literally unnatural how commercialism and capitalism hooks us into pushing ourselves to be active, busy, social, shopping and productive at the very time our animal bodies are designed to rest and hibernate, renewing ourselves for the Spring.
It has taken me decades of chronic health challenges and years in bed to let this wisdom in more and more, to allow my body to be the boss of me, to remember I am nature.
Don’t get me wrong, the learning is still one day at a time. My hypermobile, aching, highly sensitive body runs at a very different speed from my AuDHD brain!
And so this moon speaks to me.
She speaks of allowing space and rest so your soil can renew, so your root bed can potentise, ready for new growth next year.
No need to rush now or to force anything. Wait a while if you can.
Potential needs time and space to build. You cannot force it.
Let the dark nights draw you under the covers and stay there a little longer. Listen to yourself and your body. Drop inside. Come inwards. Come home.
A poetic reminder to go slow…
Ways to rebel:
Enjoy a few deep breaths, drop your shoulders, let your belly hang out.
Get some time out in nature or just stare at the sky and watch the clouds.
Make a snuggly nest in your bed. How comfy can you get?
What can you put off until later? Full permission granted.
What can you say NO to for a while? Guilt-free.
Order in and leave the dishes until tomorrow, or for someone else! No shame allowed.
Have a long soak in the bath (lock the door and put in ear plugs if you have to)
Simplify. Ask for help. Rest. Rest. Rest.
You can write your own story, do winter how the ancients did, in alignment with nature and their bodies, break the ‘drive and strive’ martyrdom cycle of more recent ancestors.
The more you live in alignment with what mother nature is doing, with what your body is asking for, the better you’ll feel.
Next year could get pretty wild and noisy out there.
Take time now to build those inner reserves and drop down into your body for grounding calm and a strong centre.
Turning towards the power and peace within you
Wishing you a restful moon and a peace-filled new year.
See you in 2025.
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